It was about 5 a.m. this morning when the clock went off and I jumped out of bed excited! Wiped the salt from my eyes brushed my teeth and I was out the door for my 1 mile walk.
Got back home at 6:30 a.m. turned my computer on and got my behind right to work. I’m so focused today reading and sending emails taking care of outreach and doing what needs to get done for my passive business.
At 7:25 am my body decides it wants to stretch yawn But my mind refuses to give into what my body wants because my mind is stronger, so I say the quote out loud “ain’t nobody got time for that” sip some Java and get back on my rise n grind!
Now at 8:26 am I am emailing my outsourced team letting them know what tasks I need done today on a few of my websites.
Now it’s 9:06 am and I am writing this quick blog post you are reading right now at this very minute.
Are you starting to see the pattern? Are you starting to feel my passion? I feel that if it’s good enough for already multimillionaires like Diddy, Gary Vaynerchuk and a whole host of other successful entrepreneurs to rise and grind, then there’s no excuse for me to sit around thinking that success is going to fall from the sky.
If you sleep all day and dream without effort on what you want out of life you will be heading 100 miles an hour into an epic fail!
Trust me on that I know what I’m talking about… You know what they say about “experience being the best teacher” and believe me I have years of experience under my belt of failures to know better than to sleep on my dreams.
You see being an entrepreneur is in your DNA, it’s in your blood, it’s in your heart and in your mind, it is who you are.
Please understand that all of my passions, visions, wants and desires will manifest from my hard work. I programmed myself to be up early and ready to get it in each and every day because I want success just that bad.
But I don’t do any of this without a vision without a plan without a mindset knowing that every step that I take brings me closer to my goals.
So all I can say is some may wait for your pie to fall from the sky, but I myself say “the heck with that” the time is now!