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Dr. Dre From Compton to Selling a 3.25 Billion Company

This posting will provide anyone wanting to start earning passive income as an entrepreneur the encouragement that anything is possible! Learn how someone growing up on the mean streets of Compton was able to move from becoming a successful entertainer, to becoming an entrepreneur that will soon be selling his business for 3.2 Billion Dollars!

It’s all about finding a unique need or desire in the market, and then providing that need or desire no matter what it takes—that the true soul of an entrepreneur

It’s amazing what people can do, no matter what situations they have endured.

Some believe that they can’t succeed because they:

  • Don’t have enough capital to start their dream
  • Didn’t grow up with parents that cared for them
  • Don’t know the right people to network with to start their business


However, this is simply not true. If you have a desire to change the world through innovation and are willing to preserver no matter how hard it may be, you can achieve whatever you put your mind to.

And that is exactly what Dr. Dre did—a man that grew up in Compton, California—an area well known for being one of the worst places in the United States for crime and violence. In fact, after Dr. Dre completed his freshman year in Compton High School, his mother quickly transferred him to another school because of the bad influence it had on his academics and life.

However, Dr. Dre never did excel in school, so not having a good education doesn’t mean you can’t become a great entrepreneur. However, Dr. Dre found a secret that helps entrepreneurs climb to new levels—and that is building relationships.

Desiring to become a successful DJ and Hip-hop artist, Dr. Dre began socializing and building relationships with individuals that could influence his ambitions. Eventually he climbed the charts, becoming a well-known hip-hop artist, especially when he partnered up with Snoop Dog and cofounded Death Row Records.

From Entertainer to Entrepreneur

Dre 2

In 2008, Dr. Dre cofounded Beats Electronics, LLC, which produces audio products and equipment. They currently hold the highest market share for headphones that cost over $100—with an estimated 73% of the market share. These headsets are cleverly marketed as “Beat’s by Dr. Dre,” using the entertainer’s popularity to label the product.

This is downright amazing considering someone that grew up in the toughest areas of the United States during his childhood, had divorced parents, and even had a child at the young age of 16.

Apple is Ready to Set a Deal

Apple has been highly interested in buying Beats Electronics out—and they are about to break a deal to purchase the company at an estimated 3.2 Billion! With Dr. Dre owning as much as 25% of the company, his share would be estimated at around 800 million dollars!

You Can Live Your Dream Regardless of Your Situation

Dre 3Here is the real deal, becoming an entrepreneur has nothing to do about how you grew up, what kind of education you had, or whatever your current position is right now.

Remember I am from the Bronx, NY and had nothing but dreams when I was young and that has never stoped me!

If you have a dream to start your own business, then do it.

If you feel like you have a product or service you can offer, then do whatever it takes to show it to the world.

Don’t ever believe your limitations will keep you down, you can always achieve what you set your mind, heart, and soul towards.