Hello and welcome to Passive Podcast!

Derek Bingham


Someone asked me the other day a question that has stuck with me… The persons question was in regards to all the noise around the web about making money online.

This lady on Facebook had messaged me and wanted to know how she could start her own business online. She then went on to talk about all of the business opportunities out there and what everyone else was doing. She talked about how everyone was following this popular MLM opportunity and how she was undecided on whether or not she should join it, too? Then she tells me, “There are six figure a month earners in the company that are killing it!”

She also explained that she was told that if she did not join this particular MLM program, then the leaders would call her a “wussy.” All I could do at this point was drop my head in my palms and stare at the floor in shame, realizing that I was one of those people in the same business that she was talking about.

I had to literally think about my answer before I just responded with the common response of “JUST DO IT!” So my answer was an honest one and from my heart, when I finally allowed myself time to think clearly and keep it real with myself and this lady. You see… I was one of those thousands… and I do mean thousands of people in that business that she was talking about, and I was feeling a little shamed to answer her.

I started to feel like I was part of a gang that was picking on the kid at the lunch table sitting by his or her self with no friends, who just wanted to be “part of something cool,” and I let her down…

“We make our living by what we get. We make our life by what we give.“Benjamin Elijah Mays

Before I could finally answer this woman, I had to do something first that would free me from the guilt. I literally quit that business opportunity that I was in, that same day. I did not feel comfortable being a part of something like that anymore. I wanted to disconnect from anything that I was not in control of and work on my true passion, which was building my own ‘niche’ business that I controlled, and to help others free themselves, in the process!

I’m not by any means throwing stones at the leaders of MLM or similar business models at all. I just want to make that clear. I think that those companies do offer a real business opportunity to their customers, and some of them have good intentions.

In fact, the business that I was in had some leaders who did seem to run a legitimate company. They offered a Derek ATL3      7-27generous 100% commission structure that afforded members with the opportunity to create a real cool internet lifestyle. But I, myself saw that there were thousands of people selling the same thing, marketing to the same list, joining the same solo ad campaigns, and statistically not producing the same results as their leadership.

To be honest, I just didn’t want to try to grow my business in an overly saturated market with over 100,000 sharks competing for the same bait. So, with all of that said, once I freed myself from the noise, I was then able to answer this woman with my chin held high. I gave her the exact advise that I’m about to share with you right now…

I feel that in order to create a real business online you have to follow these simple steps:


Follow your passion for whatever it is you truly love to do.

Research your market and position yourself in front of your markets traffic.

Watch what everyone else is doing online and do the complete opposite!

Never join a cult like business that everyone is on, because it’s just way too competitive.

Finally, just take enormous ACTION and follow your passion as if your life depended on it!


What is this website and podcast about, and what do I plan on bringing to the table?

Well, I plan on working on my own niche website businesses and then documenting my results in the form of a podcast. The reason I wanted to take this approach of pod casting was to connect directly with my audience and build a real relationship with you all in my own voice.

I feel like this will allow me the opportunity to connect better with people, as they hear my voice and can literally feel and hear my emotions in this medium of audio content. I plan on sharing my own success and failures, while also interviewing people in the niche business that are doing really amazing things.

What do I hope to gain out of all this?

I hope to touch the hearts of anyone feeling stuck at their day jobs without hope. I want to show everyone that’s feeling lost in life and who are maybe feeling like they’re at the end of their rope, that life really is what you make of it. I want to show people that if you truly work hard and believe in yourself, then you can absolutely break free from the rat race and live your dream life with true passive income.

Because at the end of the day…we all just want something that we can be proud of. Don’t we? Something that we’re truly passionate about, something honest and something that we know we worked hard to achieve. That way when you’re enjoying that passive income…you can say to yourself…”Man…I really deserve this. I worked hard for this!!”


Thanks for checking in and checking me out! Make Those Dreams a Reality – Be sure to Join my FREE “Niche site Blueprint,” Where I’ll Teach You How To Set up Your Own Niche Site Business, Below!


PS. And don’t forget to Dream Big!

“Niche Site Blueprint” is COMING SOON!


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